Life’s Lessons

(Feb. 2007)

I had been out of Nagpur for quite a few days. On my return I was horrified to see that the garden had almost dried. Now I am not an expert or avid gardener, but I try my best to keep my garden alive by watering it. One potted plant especially was almost in terminal stages. It is actually a group of individual stalks that have lovely hued and shaped leaves. They also flower once a year. I was dismayed, that only one sickly stalk remained. I resolved to bring it back to its original glory. (I say that because many near and dear ones had taken its shoots to plant in their gardens.)

Of course all I knew was how to water it. I did that immediately, taking care not to drown it. They say plants too get shocks if not treated properly. Every day I looked at that plant and watered it. In three days the single stem was no longer drooping. My joy knew no bounds when I saw another stem come out. Then I saw a tiny shoot, and realized that now this plant would survive, and even prosper. One day there were flowers too.

Suddenly a thought struck me. This plant had survived because of my careful nurturing. Why don’t I do the same with my life? I was not in the best of situations at that time and life was meandering along. Maybe, if I got hold of myself, things would get better. There and then I resolved to look after myself and my life in a better way. For too long I had neglected it. Well, I set about it and with some determination followed through my resolve. Within a fortnight I had a job that paid me three times more than what I had been earning for the last two years. Life is certainly improving. The enhanced income has of course enhanced my esteem in the children’s eyes (maybe because of enhanced purchasing power, I am not complaining)

Funny, how important things happen in simple mundane circumstances. I remember the words of the Buddha when He said “If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”

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